Cardinal Health Brand Guidelines Website

This work was completed while working at Cardinal Health.

Project objective

In 2021, I led a project to consolidate five disparate brand guideline assets into a single location. These assets were originally created to help define guidelines for emerging marketing channels, enabling designers and business partners to execute on campaigns. Over time the scope and scale of these assets grew and slowly began to overlap one another. The overlapping assets created areas of inconsistency and unintentionally produced gaps in communication between the teams that leveraged them.

In order to enable message consistency, improve authoring efficiency, and create a single location for all brand guideline documentation, I led a project to bring all of these assets together into one website. 


  • Working sessions – 5 sessions, 34 participants
  • Card sort activities – 6 open sort, 5 closed sort
  • Treejack testing – 2 rounds of testing, 8 participants
  • Website build and launch

Working sessions

To begin to understand how each team leveraged these assets, we conducted interactive working sessions to engage our users in a conversation. We printed the pages from each asset and pinned them on large boards. Each participant was encouraged to use sticky notes to mark what worked, what didn’t work, and where gaps existed.


Card sort activities

After completing the working sessions, we took the categories of information we discussed with users and used this as a starting point for a series of card sort activities. We conducted open card sorts with six participants and used the results to develop a closed card sort for an additional five participants.


Treejack testing

The output of the closed card sort activities gave us an initial sitemap for the new guidelines website. We developed a treejack test to pressure test the new sitemap against different use cases we learned about during our initial working sessions. We went through two rounds of treejack tests, adjusting the sitemap for the second test based on the results of the first round.



180+ pages in 5 assets

reduced to

52 pages in 1 website

  • Enabled message consistency
  • Improved authoring efficiency
  • Single location for all brand guideline documentation